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SOMEFLU – Actor of France’s future industrial sector – joins French Fab

One of the objectives of French Fab is to rediscover pride and confidence, promoting French industry. SOMEFLU is part of this movement initiated by Bpifrance. Expertise and innovative projects put family-owned businesses in a good position in this new “industrial revolution” associated with the digital transition. Objective: be a key operator in France’s future industrial sector.

An interview with Alexandre Lacour, Director of SOMEFLU.

Alexandre Lacour, Director of SOMEFLU - French Fab

Does receiving the “French Fab” label mean you are in phase with the French industrial ecosystem?

Yes, it’s a way of promoting French industry, the industry of today and tomorrow. By focusing on the innovation and expertise of its small and mid-sized businesses, France is showing pride in its industrial fabric. It seems essential to me that we take part in this impetus. Being a part of it means sharing a vision of the future that is keenly focused on confidence. Our industrial ecosystem has a genuinely innovative culture. Because of this, we in French industry are doing everything possible to design and build tomorrow’s world.

What is the French Fab label?

Small and mid-sized companies see themselves in French Fab. In their DNA and their identity they see a certain idea of what French industry is. Bpifrance, which is behind this movement, encourages peer-to-peer discussion and communication through its Bpifrance Excellence network, for example. Through this network, around 4,000 companies of all sizes with great potential share their best practices. The network hosts dedicated physical and digital events. This facilitates an exchange of information and will help us design exciting actions for the future, as was previously the case for French Tech. As a manufacturer of anti-corrosive centrifugal pumps since 1962, SOMEFLU has always had industrial innovation as a primary concern. We are always looking to sustainably improve our pump solutions. Our purpose: the circular economy, with the creation of long-lasting products and biodegradable plastics.

All this involves designing new solutions for the future?

Absolutely. We have set up partnerships with major universities. We work together on developing our products, their construction materials and also services for our customers. It is important, as a small company, to develop connections with research laboratories, which helps promote French engineering. In terms of our products, we are collaborating with the “DynFluid” laboratory (fluid dynamics), from Arts & Métiers university. For services, we have a partnership with ETNA (Advanced Digital Technology University), part of the IONIS Group. At Someflu, new expertise has emerged: electronics, digital technologies, mechatronics, etc. Naturally, we want to incorporate this dimension in our products. These collaborations allow us to combine the industrial world with digital technology and computing. Creating a bridge between these two worlds.

By giving time to students, SOMEFLU is passing on its expertise and experience. For their part, students work on mini digital projects for industrial companies. Everything we need to build France’s future industry together…

You can download the article here.

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